Chatty is a chat software specifically made for Twitch, in the spirit of a classic IRC Client. It runs on Windows and any other OS that supports Java 8 or later.

Chatty supports many Twitch-specific features like Emotes, Badges, Namecolors, Stream Information and more


There's more to Chatty than meets the eye, here's just an incomplete list of what it can do.

Basic Features

  • Join several channels in tabs, split views or popped out into separate windows
  • Channel Favorites & History
  • Log chat to file, TAB-Completion, Input History
  • Flexible message Highlighting and Ignoring
  • Customizable chat colors, font, line spacings, alternating backgrounds
  • Choose between several Look&Feel, including Dark Mode


  • Get notified when channels you follow go live
  • Easily open streams in your browser, or run Livestreamer (or the more up-to-date Streamlink) out of Chatty


  • Set your stream title, game & tags (with custom Presets) and run commercials
  • Write current stream uptime to a file and create Stream Marker, via configurable hotkey or Mod Command, to assist in making Stream Highlights
  • List your 100 most recent followers/subscribers
  • Viewerhistory graph of your current streaming session


  • Click on nick to open customizable User Dialog, showing recent messages and basic account info
  • Optional pause-chat-on-hover to avoid misclicks
  • AutoMod support to approve/deny filtered messages
  • Create Custom Commands and customize Context Menus

Emotes & Badges

  • FrankerFaceZ Emotes (& Mod Icons), BetterTTV Emotes (no Personal Emotes though)
  • Unified Bot Badge (using multiple sources)
  • Emote Dialog with Favorites, Subemotes, Channel-specific Emotes, and more..
  • Emote TAB-Completion using Shift-TAB (configurable)
  • Enter Emoji codes like :thinking:, aided by TAB-Completion
  • Locally hide/ignore individual Emotes or Badges or add your own

Other Features

  • Use Chatty in several languages, including English, German, French, Russian, Japanese, and more.. (the help and parts of the GUI aren't translated, translations thanks to contributers)
  • SpeedRunsLive Race Viewer
  • Global Hotkey support (Windows, Linux, Mac), e.g. to trigger a commerical or Custom Command


Choose one of the following downloads of Chatty Version 0.26. For older versions or betas go to the GitHub Releases. Checksums for release files are available as SHA-256 hashes.

If this is your first time using Chatty check out the Getting Started Guide.


Windows Standalone (No Java installation) JAR-Version (requires Java 8 JRE or later installed)
Download Windows Standalone (Installer) Recommended
Install into a folder of your choice and start Chatty.exe (or optionally created shortcuts).
Download Windows Standalone (.zip)
Extract the .zip into a folder of your choice and start Chatty.exe.

Note: The Windows Standalone contains it's own version of Java, which remains in the Chatty folder and is only used for Chatty itself. Larger download size.

Download JAR-Version (Installer)
Install into a folder of your choice and start Chatty.jar (or optionally created shortcuts).
Download JAR-Version (.zip)
Extract the .zip into a folder of your choice and start Chatty.jar.


For OS other than Windows (e.g. Linux or MacOS) you will need to download the JAR-Version (.zip) and must have Java 8 or later installed on your system. Extract the .zip into a folder of your choice and start Chatty.jar.


If you have any feedback or questions feel free to contact me. You can join the Chatty Discord preferred, write me an E-Mail or use Twitter.

If you're having an issue with Chatty, make sure to check out the Troubleshooting help page and Twitter for news on current problems. If this doesn't solve your issue please read How to report issues on how to let me know about it.


The Chatty Help can be opened in-app via Help - About / Help or by pressing F1. Here just some common questions and answers:

I have an issue with Chatty, what do I do?
Read the Troubleshooting. If you can't solve the issue with that information read How to report issues.
I'm not encountering a bug, but I need help using Chatty, what do I do?
Read the help. If you need help with a certain setting you can open the correct help page directly out of the Settings Dialog. If you can't find the answer there, contact me, see Contact / Feedback.
Does Chatty support other streaming services like YouTube or
Unfortunately not, and it's not currently planned either. Chatty is designed around Twitch and adding support for other services wouldn't be a trivial task.
What about Chatty for mobile?
Developing a mobile version is very different from a Desktop App and is currently not planned.
Why does the userlist not show all users correctly?
First of all check that Settings - Advanced - Correct Userlist is enabled (it should be by default). Even then, the userlist in Twitch Chat shouldn't be taken too seriously. Read more about the userlist..


Chatty is entirely free and Open Source software. No paywalled features or advertisements.

If you like Chatty, there are several ways you can show your appreciation or help development, like simply sending a nice message, recommending Chatty to others or showing your involvement by submitting bug reports and feature requests.

You can also say thanks by supporting me on Patreon (you can get a badge!), which is highly appreciated and helps to ensure continued development.